Aldrich Machine Works

Onsite Evaluation & Audit

Keep your system working like new.

At Aldrich Machine Works, we understand that maintaining optimal performance of your vacuum waste collection system is crucial for your industrial manufacturing environment. That’s why we’re offering our new onsite evaluation and audit service.

What to expect with an onsite evaluation and audit from Aldrich?

Our seasoned mechanical technicians will comprehensively inspect your facility’s vacuum system. This evaluation is designed to clearly understand your vacuum system's current performance and highlight areas that may require improvement or enhancement.

With Aldrich Machine Works, you're not only investing in a service but also a partnership aimed at optimizing your system's performance. We're committed to helping you enhance your operation's efficiency and productivity.

What Our Inspection Covers:

  • Visual inspection of all tubing, fittings, and couplings throughout your facility.

  • Thorough examination of vacuum system components including receiver tanks, floor filters, safety filters, and exhausters.

  • Measurement and documentation of vacuum levels throughout the system to identify potential performance challenges.

What You'll Receive:

  • A detailed report of findings.

  • An opportunity for a meeting with our team to discuss your system’s overall performance.

  • Insight into your system’s performance, pinpointing areas of concern, and guidance on where to concentrate resources for both short-term and long-term improvements.

  • Best practice recommendations, including a suggested maintenance schedule.

Schedule your onsite audit.

Your high vacuum waste collection system deserves the best, and that's what we promise to deliver. Get in touch with us today to schedule your onsite inspection.